
How many lifetimes you have looped?

The piece was inspired by the perpetuating loop I discovered in my behaviour patterns, and also in others.

We repeat ourselves due to trauma we experienced in childhood or things in the past. When the trauma is not addressed or aware of, it goes into our subconsciousness, the place of myst and sadness.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is like the TV series "Westworld," where we're all pre-written characters in a video game, unaware of our repetitive patterns, subconsciously chained to our hidden pasts, with that same fear reflected in everyone's eyes.

It is said in Buddhism, reincarnation happens in order to fulfil the practice that is assigned for each one. It’s an ongoing circle until one day you really want to learn from your trauma and mistakes to get out of loop.
The constantly repeating melody brings forth recurring life experiences. Perhaps it's fear, perhaps it's regret, perhaps it's infinite beauty, or. perhaps it's a kind of exhilaration. There's always that one song that renders you motionless, plunging you into endless memories.

“What are things that you never let go?”

Creative Team

Choreography | Yu He Lin
Featured Artist | Faye Hong
Visal | Yu He Lin
Composer | Faye Hong
Art Administration | Wei Chen, YoYo Chen
Lighting | MeMore
Photography & Videography | Log Studio
Duration | 35 mins