2024 Golden Melody Awards -【Pei Yu Hung】

"Using visual effects and dance to enhance the theme of the artist's song choices, we aim to portray the various emotions people experience while deeply immersed in pain.

As the arrangement transitions from intense to gentle, it sequentially expresses self-doubt, self-questioning and answering, and self-redemption. The entire performance resembles a journey from trauma to self-healing." - Director RO

The choreography for the second piece, 'Stain,' primarily depicts the continuous fragmentation and dialogue of one's personality and emotions, culminating in a process of finally making peace with oneself.

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Creative Team

Organizer|Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development
Production | Young Hope Entertainment
Choreographer | Yu He Lin、YoYo Lien
Dance Artistic Director|YoYo Lien
Dancer|Zeng Yuwen, Wei Yipeng, He Tingyi, Li Ziying, Zheng Cainie, Zhu Tingyu, Lai Yishan, Lai Yuxuan, Zhang Xunyin, Li Yihua, Hou Yanjun, Zheng Shunwen