2024 詹雅雯<春分>巡迴演唱會- 台北/高雄場

She's Yawen Zhan, returning with a smile and the "Spring Equinox Concert Tour 2024".

She writes songs, chronicling the passing of seasons,

She sings, narrating the cycle of origination and cessation.

She performs, witnessing the rise and fall of the stage,

She breathes, understanding the truths of birth, aging, sickness, and death.

On that evening when winter bids farewell,

She wishes to gather with everyone,

To collectively experience the beauty of rebirth on stage.
You will witness the new, reborn Yawen Zhan,

And if, at that moment amidst the music,

There’s still a hint of moisture in our eyes,

It won’t be sadness anymore,

But rather the dewdrops of spring 2024, 

melting from the first snow.

I'm responsible for choreographing the autumn and winter segments of the concert.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the director and the team on this beautiful performance. We incorporated contemporary elements using fans, snowflakes, handheld lights, and cake stage for creativity, while also integrating elements of drama. Though it was challenging, it was incredibly enjoyable and sparked a lot of inspiration.

Finally, I want to give a special thanks to the hardworking and talented dancers who worked with me to complete these wonderful pieces.

Creative Team

Organiser | Kham Ticket
Artist | Yawen Zhan
Composer | Lu Shengfei、 Luo Jiyi
Music Artistic Director | Huang Zhengzhong
Production | YoungHope Entertainment
Producer | Isaac Chen
Director | RO
Stage Design | Li Shiqi
Lighting Design | Rokerfly Design
Visual Design | Jason Ling
Dance Artistic Director | YoYo Lien
Choreographer | Karen Chen、Yu He Lin、 YoYo Lien
Dresser | KULI
Dancer | Corn Wang、Rongshan、Lijie、Sintian Wong、Chengjia、 Xin'an 、Weijie、 Liangzheng、 Winnie、 Ah Chong、Jojo 、Shao En、Zhiying、Minwen